Hosting Rails apps on a Mac OS X server
Posted (updated )
There are many guides for setting up Rails development environments on various platforms including Mac OS and Ubuntu. I thought I'd mix it up a little with my complete guide on setting up a production Mac OS server.
Update 2011-02-12: Added a note to the backups section on excluding large changing files (such as databases) from Time Machine backups.
Update 2011-03-26 All launchd configuration files for services should be placed in LaunchDaemons
not LaunchAgents
to run at startup as the correct user account. LaunchAgents
are for interactive processes ran under as the logged in console user.
Update 2012-01-04 Added load average and file system monitoring to the example Monit configuration.
- Xcode
- Homebrew
- Sysadmin tweaks
- Ruby 1.9.2 via system-wide RVM
- Apache & Passenger
- User accounts
- PostgreSQL
- Memcached
- ImageMagick
- Tomcat
- Git Hosting
- SSH on an alternate port
- Monit
- Backups
- Applications
Download and install Xcode if you haven't already. It provides useful tools like a C compiler. Pretty much nothing is going to work without one.
Homebrew is an awesome package manager for Mac OS. It's superior to MacPorts in many ways. If you're setting up a new machine, there's no decision to be made. If you're already running MacPorts it's still seriously worth switching over.
You can follow the Homebrew installation instructions on the Homebrew wiki or run the steps below to use my formulas:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install git
git clone /tmp/homebrew # substitute your preferred fork
mv /tmp/homebrew/.git /usr/local/
rm -rf /tmp/homebrew
cd /usr/local/
git remote add mxcl
git fetch --all
Sysadmin tweaks
GNU command-line utilities
Installing a few GNU utilities makes Mac OS's BSD userland feel more like home. You can skip this step if you're happy with the BSD variants and your apps don't need GNU flavour.
brew install coreutils gnu-sed gawk findutils --default-names
Note: Installing these tools with --default-names
will make the GNU variants the default and could possibly cause issues with any scripts that expect BSD versions. The GNU versions generally accept all the options as the BSD versions but there are a few differences. For example: BSD sed
uses -E
for extended mode and GNU sed
uses -r
and --regexp-extended
. For compatibility with the BSD version of sed
I use /usr/bin/sed
in this guide.
dot files
I have customized my environment quite a bit and it can be frustrating to use a machine without my settings. As such, I like to install on every machine I use. Everything in this post should work on a bare config (and hopefully under your config as well). Here's what I run to setup my shell config:
curl -sL | bash
exec bash -i # reload the shell
is a top
alternative which makes interactive use much easier. It primarily targets Linux but the basic functions work fine on Mac OS. It's far nicer to use than the version of top
which comes with Mac OS.
brew install htop
You'll need to sudo htop
when running htop in order to see all process information. I also like to enable the Highlight program "basename"
Ruby 1.9.2 via system-wide RVM
Install RVM
sudo bash < <(curl -s
echo -e "[[ -s '/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm' ]] && source '/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm'\n" | sudo bash -c 'cat - /etc/bashrc > /etc/ && mv /etc/bashrc{.new,}' # add RVM to global shell config
source '/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm' # load RVM in current session
We prepend the RVM loader to /etc/bashrc
so it runs on non-interactive shells such as cron. This in combination with /bin/bash -l -c
(which is automatically provided by the whenever gem), we can have the RVM provided Ruby 1.9.2 available in cron jobs.
Install Ruby 1.9.2 and set it as default
sudo rvm pkg install readline
brew install libyaml
sudo rvm install 1.9.2 --with-readline-dir=$rvm_path/usr --with-libyaml-dir=/usr/local
sudo rvm --default 1.9.2
rvm default
Update 2011-04-29: These instructions originally installed libyaml
for the Psych YAML parser on Ruby 1.9.2.
Unfortunately Ruby 1.9.2 up to and including p180 has an issue with Psych where by it fails with merge keys.
This can cause problems with certain versions of Bundler and RubyGems, as well as DRY database.yml files.
The issue is fixed in Ruby HEAD
and there's a now somewhat stale ticket open to backport to 1.9.2.
Hopefully we see a fix in the next Ruby 1.9.2 patch release.
Update 2011-07-16: Ruby 1.9.2 p290 was released today and includes the Psych fix for YAML merge keys.
As a result, I have re-added libyaml
to the Ruby installation instructions.
If you're upgrading you'll need to update RVM with rvm get head && rvm reload
To migrate a gemset over to the latest Ruby, run rvm gemset copy 1.9.2-p{180,290}@example && rvm 1.9.2-p180 gemset delete example
Lockdown RVM installation
By default RVM will give all users access to modify RVM rubies, gemsets, et al.
This is problem as the RVM install is system wide and users should not be able to mess with the environment of others.
Luckily, all we need to do is empty out the rvm
group which will leave root
as the only user allowed to administer RVM:
sudo dscl . delete /Groups/rvm GroupMembership
Fix Homebrew permissions broken by installing RVM system-wide
After installing RVM system-wide you may find /usr/local/lib
and /usr/local/bin
to be locked down. We can liberate them again without reinstalling Homebrew by coping the owner and permissions from another directory (such as /usr/local/share/man
) which is unaffected by the installation of RVM.
sudo chmod -R --reference=/usr/local/lib /usr/local/bin /usr/local/share/man
sudo chown -R --reference=/usr/local/lib /usr/local/bin /usr/local/share/man
Install Bundler
We'll be using Bundler's deployment mode via Capistrano to install and manage gems. This keeps our system gems clean and isolates apps from each other.
sudo gem install bundler
Apache & Passenger
Apache 2 comes standard with Mac OS 10.6. Sprinkle Phusion Passenger on top and we have an app server for Rack apps (including Rails).
sudo gem install passenger
rvmsudo passenger-install-apache2-module
Copy the 3 configuration lines emitted after installation into /etc/apache2/other/passenger.conf
LoadModule passenger_module /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p136/gems/passenger-3.0.2/ext/apache2/
PassengerRoot /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p136/gems/passenger-3.0.2
PassengerRuby /usr/local/rvm/wrappers/ruby-1.9.2-p136/ruby
There are a number of configuration options you can set in passenger.conf
to control how it manages worker instances. You can read about these in the Passenger users guide. Here's the settings I'm using:
RailsSpawnMethod smart-lv2
RailsFrameworkSpawnerIdleTime 0
RailsAppSpawnerIdleTime 0
PassengerUseGlobalQueue on
PassengerFriendlyErrorPages off
# recycle instances every so often to keep any leaks under control
PassengerMaxRequests 1000
# default 6
PassengerMaxPoolSize 16
# default 0
PassengerMaxInstancesPerApp 5
# keep at least one instance around per app, let the others time out after 2 minutes
PassengerMinInstances 1
PassengerPoolIdleTime 120
For the configuration changes to take affect you need to restart Apache by running the following:
sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist
sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist
Once restarted you should see Passenger in the server signature:
$ curl -sI localhost | grep ^Server
Server: Apache/2.2.15 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.15 OpenSSL/0.9.8l DAV/2 Phusion_Passenger/3.0.2
HTTP Compression
is loaded by default but it's not configured to compress any responses automatically. Save the following as /etc/apache2/other/deflate.conf
to enable HTTP compression for HTML, CSS, Javascript and fonts:
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml font/ttf font/otf application/ text/css application/javascript application/atom+xml
Virtual Hosts
It's useful to have a default virtual host to catch any hits that goto any undefined hostnames or direct IP requests.
Here's a basic vhost which will act as the default. The key thing to note here is the zeros in the filename which causes it to sort before the other vhost files and Apache's Include
to load it first.
NameVirtualHost *:80
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName _default_
<Directory /Library/WebServer/Documents>
AllowOverride All
Let's use something a bit better than "It works!" as our default page.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<p>Move along, nothing to see here…</p>
We don't want it to be cacheable just in case we screw up and end up serving it instead of a vhost.
# Expire default page immediately
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType text/html "access"
And finally here's my template for all vhosts which we'll be using a bit later:
<VirtualHost *:80>
# no-www
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.*)$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://%1$1 [R=301,L]
DocumentRoot /Users/example/apps/example/production/current/public/
LogLevel warn
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/example-production-access.log "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-agent}i\" \"%{Host}i\" %D"
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/example-production-error.log
<Directory />
AllowOverride FileInfo Indexes Options
Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks -MultiViews
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
To check the configuration syntax and then reload Apache so new vhosts are available, run the following:
sudo apachectl configtest && sudo apachectl graceful
If apachectl
outputs an error like /usr/sbin/apachectl: line 82: ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Invalid argument
, you've ran into a Mac OS 10.6.6 regression. You can patch apachectl
by running the following:
sudo /usr/bin/sed -E -i bak 's/^(ULIMIT_MAX_FILES=".*)`ulimit -H -n`(")$/\11024\2/' /usr/sbin/apachectl
Passenger Preference Pane
A quick note on Passenger Preference Pane: I don't recommend you install it. It can be handy in development environments with Passenger for quickly spinning up a new vhost for an app. It does not however allow you to customise vhost settings like logging nor setup a default vhost.
It's a much better idea to create a template and then script the deployment of new applications in production environments. There's more to deploying an app than just creating a new vhost. We also need to create user accounts, databases, configure logging, etc.
Log rotation
Mac OS uses newsyslog
to rotate the main log files such as system.log
and mail.log
. It does not however automatically rotate anything in /var/log/apache2
We could point newsyslog
at each log file we want to rotate but logrotate
lets us use wildcards.
brew install logrotate
sudo mkdir -p /etc/logrotate.d
sudo bash -c 'cat > /etc/logrotate.conf' <<EOF
compresscmd $(which gzip)
tabooext + template
include /etc/logrotate.d
Set your Apache log rotate settings. I prefer to rotate my logs weekly and keep 520 rotations (10 years). Disk space is cheap and old logs might be useful. Save the following config as /etc/logrotate.d/apache.conf
/var/log/apache2/access_log /var/log/apache2/error_log /var/log/apache2/*.log {
rotate 520
create 640 root wheel
apachectl graceful
Since we're going to be reloading Apache after rotating the logs, we can use this opportunity to rotate production.log
from our Rails apps. These logs are larger so I only keep 10 rotations. Save the following template as /etc/logrotate.d/vhosts-example.conf.template
/Users/example/apps/example/production/shared/log/production.log {
rotate 10
create 640 example staff
Setup logrotate
to run automatically via launchd
. Debian runs logrotate
daily at 06:25 which sounds fine by me. See man 5 launchd.plist for details on the StartCalendarInterval
option. Save the following as /Library/LaunchDaemons/logrotate.plist
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
And finally run the following to force an initial test rotation and then activate the launchd
sudo /usr/local/sbin/logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.conf
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/logrotate.plist
User accounts
We want to isolate our services (PostgreSQL, Memcached, etc) and applications in their own user accounts.
Unfortunately Mac OS doesn't provide a nice and simple adduser
like command but we can make our own. Save the following as /usr/local/bin/adduser
and run chmod +x /usr/local/bin/adduser
to make it executable:
#!/bin/bash -e
if [ -z "$NEW_USERNAME" ]
echo "Usage: $(basename "$0") [username]" >&2
exit 1
if id "$NEW_USERNAME" 2> /dev/null
echo "$(basename "$0"): User \"$NEW_USERNAME\" already exists." >&2
exit 1
NEW_UID=$(( $(dscl . -list /Users UniqueID | awk '{print $2}' | sort -n | tail -1) + 1 ))
if ! [ $NEW_UID -gt 500 ]
echo "$(basename "$0"): Could not determine new UID." >&2
exit 1
dscl . create "/Users/$NEW_USERNAME"
dscl . create "/Users/$NEW_USERNAME" UniqueID $NEW_UID
dscl . create "/Users/$NEW_USERNAME" PrimaryGroupID 20
dscl . delete "/Users/$NEW_USERNAME" AuthenticationAuthority
dscl . create "/Users/$NEW_USERNAME" Password '*'
dscl . create "/Users/$NEW_USERNAME" UserShell /bin/bash
dscl . create "/Users/$NEW_USERNAME" NFSHomeDirectory "/Users/$NEW_USERNAME"
createhomedir -c -u "$NEW_USERNAME"
Now we can simply run sudo adduser foo
to create a new account which will not show on the login screen.
Removing a user account later is much easier than creating one. Just run the following:
sudo dscl . delete /Users/foo
sudo rm -rf /Users/foo
Sometimes cron jobs fail. Wouldn't it be nice to hear about it? It's fairly easy to setup postfix
to send mail via an external server. You could use Gmail, SendGrid or even your own mail server.
Configure postfix
to forward mail to with SSL and authentication. Replace both instances of
with your SMTP server's hostname and username:password
with the username and password for your SMTP account.
sudo bash -c 'umask 0077 > /dev/null && echo " username:password" >> /etc/postfix/smtp_auth'
sudo postmap hash:/etc/postfix/smtp_auth
sudo postconf -e smtp_use_tls=yes smtp_sasl_auth_enable=yes smtp_sasl_password_maps=hash:/etc/postfix/smtp_auth tls_random_source=dev:/dev/urandom smtp_sasl_security_options=noanonymous
Forward root's mail to an external account. Replace
with your email address.
sudo cp -ai /etc/postfix/aliases{,.bak} # backup the original aliases file
sudo /usr/bin/sed -i '' 's/^#root.*/root:' /etc/postfix/aliases
grep ^root /etc/aliases # check the replacement worked
sudo postalias /etc/aliases
Set postfix
to listen on localhost
only. There's no need to give spam zombies the time of day.
sudo postconf -e inet_interfaces=localhost
By default postfix
will only start when there's mail in the local queue (typically from calls to sendmail
). We'll use our own launchd
config which will run postfix
all the time. Save the following as /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.postfix.master.plist
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<true />
<true />
Start the postfix
daemon and check port 25 is now open:
nc -4zv localhost 25 # should error
sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.postfix.master.plist # stop built in on demand daemon
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.postfix.master.plist # load our always running daemon
nc -4zv localhost 25 # should succeed
Forward your email to root (which will forward to your designated email address):
echo root > ~/.forward
Send yourself a test email:
date | mail -s "Test from $(hostname -s)" $USER
brew install postgresql
The instructions included in the caveats blurb from Homebrew (which after you run brew install postgresql
) are great for setting up a single user development install. However, we want to run a system-wide instance to be used by all our applications. Run the following instead to setup PostgreSQL with ident authentication under the postgres
# create user account
sudo adduser postgres
# initialize the database cluster
sudo -u postgres initdb -A ident /usr/local/var/postgres
# set PostgreSQL to run at startup
sudo cp /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/9.0.1/org.postgresql.postgres.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons/
sudo defaults write /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.postgresql.postgres UserName postgres
sudo plutil -convert xml1 /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.postgresql.postgres.plist
sudo chmod 644 /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.postgresql.postgres.plist
# start the server
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.postgresql.postgres.plist
Add yourself as a superuser on the cluster so you can manage it without sudo -u postgres
sudo -u postgres createuser -s $USER
The default PostgreSQL memory settings are very conservative. On a production machine you'll want to adjust these to suit your workload. Run sudo cp -ai /usr/local/var/postgres/postgresql.conf{,.org}
before editing the config so you have a pristine copy of the config file to reference later.
Below are my current settings for my server which will give you an idea of what settings to play with. See Resource Consumption in the PostgreSQL docs for what each setting means. I recommend you start small and nothing beats trial, error and lots of testing. Don't forget to benchmark with production queries against production data.
shared_buffers = 256MB
work_mem = 64MB
maintenance_work_mem = 128MB
effective_cache_size = 512MB
max_connections = 50
If you're adjusting the shared_buffers
setting you will probably run into the following error (in /var/log/messages
FATAL: could not create shared memory segment: Invalid argument
DETAIL: Failed system call was shmget(key=5432001, size=276275200, 03600).
HINT: This error usually means that PostgreSQL's request for a shared memory segment exceeded your kernel's SHMMAX parameter. You can either reduce the request size or reconfigure the kernel with larger SHMMAX. To reduce the request size (currently 276275200 bytes), reduce PostgreSQL's shared_buffers parameter (currently 32768) and/or its max_connections parameter (currently 24).
If the request size is already small, it's possible that it is less than your kernel's SHMMIN parameter, in which case raising the request size or reconfiguring SHMMIN is called for.
The PostgreSQL documentation contains more information about shared memory configuration.
The fix is easy. First make sure the quoted request size sounds sane (263 MB in the above error) and then update SHMMAX
to be at least as large. I generally to round up to the next power of 2. SHMALL
should generally be set to ceil(SHMMAX/PAGE_SIZE)
is 4096 bytes. I'm setting SHMMAX
to 512 MB:
sudo sysctl -w kern.sysv.shmmax=$((1048576 * 512))
sudo sysctl -w kern.sysv.shmall=$((1048576 / 4096 * 512))
sysctl -a | egrep '^kern.sysv.shm(max|all)' | /usr/bin/sed 's/: /=/' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
To restart the server run the following:
sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.postgresql.postgres.plist
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.postgresql.postgres.plist
Finally type psql
and you should drop straight into a PostgreSQL prompt.
Granting permissions
Sometimes you may want to give full privileges on a database to a non-superuser account which is not the database owner. For example: you may want to share a database between two apps or let developers play around with data on a staging instance.
To grant full access to a database to a non-superuser you can use the following in a superuser psql
GRANT ALL ON DATABASE $database TO $user;
\c $database
# install memcached
brew install memcached
# configure to run at startup
sudo adduser memcache
sudo cp /usr/local/Cellar/memcached/1.4.5/com.danga.memcached.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons/
sudo defaults write /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.danga.memcached UserName memcache
sudo plutil -convert xml1 /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.danga.memcached.plist
sudo chmod 644 /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.danga.memcached.plist
# start the service
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.danga.memcached.plist
Memcached defaults to a maximum cache size of 64 MB. You can increase this if needed with by adding -m
, 128
to ProgramArguments
in the launchd plist and restarting the service.
Running echo stats | nc localhost 11211
should give you memcached stats.
Sharing the cache with multiple applications & security issues
If you're configuring multiple applications to use it, make sure you namespace your keys with something like:
config.cache_store = :mem_cache_store, { :namespace => Rails.application.config.database_configuration[Rails.env]['database'] }
If you have untrusted users/applications, you'll probably want to setup multiple instances with SASL authentication.
If your applications resize images with RMagick, you're going to need the ImageMagick libraries. Installing with --disable-openmp
fixes some random crashing issues I was having.
brew install imagemagick --disable-openmp
To run Solr one needs a servlet container. Tomcat is a safe bet here. I recommend the excellent Sunspot library for using Solr in Rails.
Install Tomcat via Homebrew and then unlink it. Tomcat comes with a number of scripts which have generic names (
, etc). We don't want those in our PATH
brew install tomcat
brew unlink tomcat
Setup Tomcat to run in its own path (/usr/local/tomcat
) under its own username (tomcat
sudo adduser tomcat
sudo mkdir /usr/local/tomcat
sudo chown tomcat /usr/local/tomcat
sudo -u tomcat ln -s $(brew --prefix tomcat)/libexec /usr/local/tomcat/
sudo -u tomcat ln -s libexec/{bin,lib} /usr/local/tomcat
sudo -u tomcat mkdir /usr/local/tomcat/{logs,temp,webapps,work}
sudo rsync --archive --no-perms --chmod='ugo=rwX' /usr/local/tomcat/{libexec/conf/,conf}
sudo find /usr/local/tomcat/conf -exec chown tomcat:staff {} \;
sudo -u tomcat bash -c 'echo "org.apache.solr.level = WARNING" >> /usr/local/tomcat/conf/'
Configure connectors
I recommend editing /usr/local/tomcat/conf/server.xml
and replacing all <Connector />
entries with a single HTTP connector for localhost:8080
<Connector address="" port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" />
Run at startup
Save the following as /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.tomcat.plist
to have launchd start Tomcat automatically:
Note: Adjust -Xmx2048M
to control how much memory Tomcat can use.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx2048M</string>
Finally, start Tomcat with the following:
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.tomcat.plist
To upgrade Tomcat to a newer version in the future, see my Upgrading Tomcat with Homebrew post.
Git Hosting
Run the following as your admin user on the server to install gitolite:
# create git user account
sudo adduser git
# copy our admin public key over to the git account
sudo cp ~/.ssh/ ~git/$
sudo chown git ~git/$
# switch to git user and configure shell
sudo -u git -i
curl -sL | bash
exec bash -i # reload the shell
# clone gitolite source code
git clone git:// gitolite-source
# install gitolite
cd gitolite-source
mkdir -p ~/bin ~/share/gitolite/conf ~/share/gitolite/hooks
src/gl-system-install ~/bin ~/share/gitolite/conf ~/share/gitolite/hooks
# configure gitolite with ourselves as the admin
gl-setup $
# cleanup
rm $
From your workstation you can then clone the config repo by running:
git clone git@$SERVER:gitolite-admin.git $SERVER-gitolite-admin
The documentation should contain everything you need. If you're new you'll want to read gitolite.conf for permission config and migrate if you're moving from Gitosis.
SSH on an alternate port
I want SSH to be available on both IPv4 and IPv6 on an alternate secondary port. I could use ipfw add 01000 fwd,22 tcp from any to me 4242
for IPv4 but ip6fw
doesn't support forwarding. We can however just have launchd
listen for SSH connections on an alternate port by running the following:
Note: Replace 4242 with your desired alternate port number.
sudo cp /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh-alt.plist
sudo defaults write /Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh-alt Label com.openssh.sshd-alt
sudo defaults write /Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh-alt Sockets '{ Listeners = { SockServiceName = 4242; }; }'
sudo plutil -convert xml1 /Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh-alt.plist
sudo chmod 644 /Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh-alt.plist
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh-alt.plist
Now with this port opened on my firewall I can use the following in my ~/.ssh/config
to easily connect to my server with ssh server
Host server
Port 4242
Monit is a great tool that lets you monitor processes and make sure they're still serving requests. launchd
handles restarting of failed services for us automatically but processes could still hang. This is where monit
comes into the picture.
Check out the documentation for what can be monitored. Resources you can monitor include load average, system memory usage, disk space, process memory usage and connectivity.
First thing is to install monit
. You'll need at least 5.2.3 as earlier versions are prone to crash on Mac OS. If you're using my Homebrew fork, you're all good to go.
brew install monit
Create /etc/monitrc
set daemon 30 with start delay 60
set mail-format { from: }
set alert
set mailserver localhost
set httpd port 2812 allow localhost
check system server
if loadavg (1min) > 8 then alert
if loadavg (5min) > 6 then alert
check filesystem rootfs with path /
if space usage > 90 % then alert
check process apache2 with pidfile /var/run/
if failed URL http://localhost:80/ with timeout 5 seconds then alert
check host postgresql with address
if failed port 5432 with timeout 5 seconds then alert
check host tomcat with address
if failed port 8080
send "HEAD / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"
expect "HTTP/1.1"
with timeout 5 seconds
then alert
check host memcached with address
if failed port 11211
send "stats\n"
expect "STAT pid"
with timeout 5 seconds
then alert
Save the following as /Library/LaunchDaemons/monit.plist
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
Secure the config file, check the syntax, and then start monit
sudo chmod 600 /etc/monitrc
sudo monit -t /etc/monitrc
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/monit.plist
If you kill -STOP
or otherwise break a service and you should get an email letting you know. You can view the current status with sudo monit status
Restarting failed services
A great feature of Monit is that it can run tasks for you when something bad happens. In the case of Tomcat, I have created a script which kills Tomcat and then relaunches it. See my Restarting Tomcat automatically on Mac OS with Monit post for details.
My current local backup solution consists of both Time Machine backups to a Time Capsule and a weekly startup disk image with Carbon Copy Cloner. A problem with both of these solutions though is that they can't quiesce database writes to allow atomic snapshots. Hopefully Apple's working on their own ZFS/brtfs alternative for Mac OS 10.7 Lion which will allow cheap copy-on-write snapshots.
Until Time Machine can take atomic snapshots and efficiently backup large changing files, we need to make database dumps which can be picked up by our backup system. This applies to both PostgreSQL databases and and other large and changing files such as our Solr indexes.
Update: To prevent Time Machine from backing up these files you can mark them as excluded either in the Time Machine preference pane or with xattr
sudo xattr -w /usr/local/var/postgres # [...]
If you don't exclude these directories from Time Machine, you'll find that your backup increments will be large and you'll quickly lose your history as Time Machine starts pruning old backups to make room. The worst bit is copying those large files every hour will put a noticeable resource strain on your machine.
If you want to audit what Time Machine is backing up (highly recommended if you suspect your backups are larger than they should be), I've found the easiest way is TimeTracker from CharlesSoft (the makers of the handy Pacifist tool). I found I had to run it under sudo
with the Time Machine backup mounted to avoid errors.
I have a backup script which I run daily. It archives PostgreSQL databases and Solr indexes locally and then rsync
s them along with my Git repos to an offsite VPS. Since we're archiving locally, we might as well send these same backups offsite.
If your databases are large you might want to look into continuous archiving to create incremental backups. Be sure to perform full base backups regularly with any incremental setup (I recommend weekly).
The script makes use of my lib_exclusive_lock
functions to prevent concurrent executions. With sufficiently large databases and a slow enough upstream this becomes a problem.
PostgreSQL databases are detected by querying the pg_database
catalog. Solr instances and their paths are detected by looking for the solr/home
environment variable in the Tomcat contexts. You'll need to brew install xmlstarlet
for this to work.
Note: unlike the rest of this guide, this backup script assumes GNU tools are installed as the default.
To use the script, save it as ~root/bin/backup
and add a crontab entry for root (sudo crontab -e
) like 15 0 * * * ~/bin/backup
. Adjust the configuration variables at the top to suit.
#!/bin/bash -e
set -o pipefail
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin
# grab lock
cd "`dirname "$0"`"
source ""
# prepare backup directory
umask 0077
mkdir -p ~/backups
cd ~/backups
# compact git repos
find ~git/repositories -maxdepth 1 -type d -name '*.git' | while read REPO
cd $REPO
git gc --auto --quiet
# backup PostgreSQL databases
mkdir -p postgres
su - postgres -lc "psql -q -A -t" <<SQL |
SELECT datname
FROM pg_database
WHERE datname NOT LIKE 'template%';
while read DB_NAME
mkdir -p "postgres/${DB_NAME}"
FILENAME="postgres/${DB_NAME}/${DB_NAME}_`date +%Y%m%d`.sql.bz2"
nice su - postgres -lc "pg_dump --format=p $DB_NAME" | nice bzip2 > "${FILENAME}.new"
mv "${FILENAME}"{.new,}
find "postgres/${DB_NAME}" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "${DB_NAME}_*.sql.*" | sort -r | tail -n +$((ARCHIVE_COUNT + 1)) | xargs -r rm
# backup Solr indexes
xml sel -t -v "Context/@path " -o " " -v "Context/Environment[@name='solr/home']/@value" /usr/local/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/*.xml | while read CONTEXT_PATH SOLR_HOME
if [ -n "$CONTEXT_PATH" -a -n "$SOLR_HOME" ]
DB_NAME="$(basename "$CONTEXT_PATH" | sed -e 's/-production-solr$//')"
mkdir -p ~/"backups/solr/${DB_NAME}"
FILENAME=~/"backups/solr/${DB_NAME}/${DB_NAME}_$(date +%Y%m%d).tar.bz2"
rm -rf "$SOLR_HOME".bak
cp -lr "$SOLR_HOME"{,.bak}
(cd "${SOLR_HOME}.bak" && nice tar c .) | nice bzip2 > "${FILENAME}.new"
rm -rf "$SOLR_HOME".bak
mv "${FILENAME}"{.new,}
find "solr/${DB_NAME}" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "${DB_NAME}_*.tar.bz2" | sort -r | tail -n +$((ARCHIVE_COUNT + 1)) | xargs -r rm
# rsync with a retry. sometimes there's intermittent connectivity issues.
function do_rsync()
if ! rsync --archive --delete-after --partial-dir=.partial --bwlimit $BWLIMIT "$@"
echo rsync failed: "$@"
sleep 5m
echo retrying...
rsync --archive --delete-after --partial-dir=.partial --bwlimit $BWLIMIT "$@"
echo retried.
# copy backups offsite
do_rsync ~git/repositories/ $REMOTE_HOST:~/backups/git/
find ~/backups/postgres/* -maxdepth 0 -type d | while read DIR
do_rsync "$DIR" "$REMOTE_HOST:~/backups/postgres/"
find ~/backups/solr/* -maxdepth 0 -type d | while read DIR
do_rsync "$DIR" "$REMOTE_HOST:~/backups/solr/"
Automating application deployment with Capistrano
The Capistrano Wiki covers the basics on how to setup Capistrano. There are a few gotchas to watch out for however.
The documentation for RVM and Bundler cover setting up Capistrano support pretty well. Other than requiring the right files, the only other thing you should need to do is disable sudo
with set :use_sudo, false
For the remote cache to work (set :deploy_via, :remote_cache
), you'll need to enable SSH agent forwarding with ssh_options[:forward_agent] = true
. This allows the app user on the server to temporarily use your SSH key to authenticate to your Git repository when deploying.
Here's a complete Capistrano recipe (config/deploy.rb
require 'bundler/capistrano'
$:.unshift(File.expand_path('./lib', ENV['rvm_path']))
require 'rvm/capistrano'
set :application, 'example' # change me
set :server_name, 'server' # change me
set :user, 'example' # change me
set(:deploy_to) { "~/apps/#{application}/#{stage}" }
set :keep_releases, 5
set(:releases) { capture("ls -x #{releases_path}").split.sort }
set :scm, :git
set :repository, "git@#{server_name}:#{application}.git"
set :branch, "master"
set :deploy_via, :remote_cache
ssh_options[:forward_agent] = true
set :use_sudo, false
role :web, server_name
role :app, server_name
role :db, server_name, :primary => true
namespace :deploy do
task :start do
task :stop do
task :restart do
run "touch #{current_path}/tmp/restart.txt"
before "deploy:symlink", "deploy:migrate"
after "deploy:update", "deploy:cleanup"
Setting up the application environment
With your application configured to deploy via Capistrano, you can prepare the new application environment (user account, database, vhost) with the following script. Save a copy as /usr/local/bin/createapp
and chmod +x
#!/bin/bash -e
APPNAME=${1:?Specify application name}
# create user account
sudo adduser $APPNAME
# copy over admin public key
sudo -u $APPNAME -i bash -c 'umask 0077 > /dev/null && mkdir -p ~/.ssh/ && cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys' < ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
# seed SSH known hosts with git server details
sudo -u $APPNAME -i bash -c 'umask 0077 > /dev/null && mkdir -p ~/.ssh/ && echo "$(hostname -s) $(cat /etc/" >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts'
# install dotfiles
sudo -u $APPNAME -i bash < <( curl -sL )
# forward mail to root
echo root | sudo -u $APPNAME -i bash -c 'cat > ~/.forward'
# create PostgreSQL database
createuser -SDR $APPNAME
createdb -O $APPNAME ${APPNAME}_production
# setup vhost
sudo cp /etc/apache2/other/vhosts-example.conf.template /etc/apache2/other/vhosts-${APPNAME}-production.conf
sudo /usr/bin/sed -i '' -e s/example\.com/${DOMAIN}/g -e s/example/${APPNAME}/g /etc/apache2/other/vhosts-${APPNAME}-production.conf
sudo -e /etc/apache2/other/vhosts-${APPNAME}-production.conf # check config, make any custom tweaks
sudo apachectl configtest && sudo apachectl graceful
# setup log rotation
sudo cp /etc/logrotate.d/vhosts-example.conf.template /etc/logrotate.d/vhosts-${APPNAME}-production.conf
sudo /usr/bin/sed -i '' s/example/${APPNAME}/g /etc/logrotate.d/vhosts-${APPNAME}-production.conf
Deploying your application
From within the app directory on your workstation you can then run the following:
# prepare application directories for deployment
cap deploy:setup
# deploy the application
cap deploy